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Islamic Counsellling – Which Course Should I Choose?

Ours! But seriously – ours.  Share this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading...

It’s A Long Time Since I’ve Written Any Poetry

It’s a long time since I’ve written any poetry…but I recently just did. It reminded me how healing and powerful it can be – a different way of expressing something, a different ‘vehicle’ that somehow suited what I wanted to say. Sheepishly sharing. Is it ok to say? Is it ok to say? Should I...

Workshop 9th April, Watford, UK: Can Islam Really Help Us Now? ‘An Experience Of Islamic Counselling Training’

I’m looking forward to this workshop next week – after an uplifting experience giving a talk at The School of Oriental and African Studies last week with great questions, this even will have a different flavour I think. It’s being hosted by the Imamia Medics UK Chapter, asp part of an all day conference “The Iceberg of...

A Practitioner’s Handbook

This excellent resource received great reviews in the academic press and includes a chapter by us on Islamic Counselling. I’m posting the table of contents below. Table of Contents Part I: Muslim Beliefs within a Counseling Framework. Haque, Kamil, Islam, Muslims, and Mental Health. Utz, Conceptualizations of Mental Health, Illness, and Healing. Ali, Aboul-Fotouh, Traditional Mental Health Coping...

The Beast Within

Although bullying can take a variety of forms, it is characterised by one key issue-the abuse of power. Sabnum Dharansi highlights how we can guard against it. The tragic news of Hannah Smith, the 14 year-old British schoolgirl who committed suicide in August this year after suffering abuse from cyberbullies, once again focused the nation’s...

“Silent Night, Holy Night, All Is Calm, All Is Bright

Christmas approaches and it is impossible to ignore the spangly party atmosphere. For Muslims who live in non-Muslim countries, the season of good will presents many challenges, says Sabnum Dharansi I have come across many different attitudes to Christmas, and so I decided to take a closer look at the way we do things, in...
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