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The Wakey-Wakey Blog

Preparing For Your Child For School

How does a new school affect you and your child? Sabnum Dharamsi offers a spiritual perspective on change and parenthood. Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not...

Counselling Within

From the COUNSELOR’S chair Counselling ulthm Often people feel inadequate and guilty when things go wrong in their lives. What if they had some help along the way? Sabnum Dharamsi describes the process of Islamic counselling veryone goes through ups and downs in life. When we are stuck, struggling with a relationship or making sense...

Psychology And Faith: Knowing Nothing And Doing Nothing

By Sabnum Dharamsi ã Talk given at St Ethelburga’s, London (2007) edited version (2009) This talk is about intersections between knowledge, psychology and faith, and their role in understanding the nature of truth and knowledge and how these condition our actions. It does this by taking a journey from doubt to reason, through different aspects...

Consciousness And Islam A Critique Of The London Riots Of August 2011

A paper by Abdullah Maynard Qadr and Qadir. The events in England following the death of Mark Dugan on the 4thof August, the spontaneous violence, rioting and looting to me illustrate in a graphic clarity the interaction between decree and destiny played out on a grand scale in the context of our evolution of consciousness....

The Interaction Of Self And Soul In The Islamic Counselling Relationship

A paper by Sabnum Dharamsi and Stephen Maynard presented at Durham University, Spirituality, Theology and Mental Health: Myth, Authority and Healing Power ABSTRACT Current research suggests that it is the quality of the therapeutic relationship, irrespective of the model, which most impacts clinical outcome in counselling. This paper looks at how spirituality can enhance the...

Applications Of Islamic Counselling

Objectives ·      A brief exploration of the context that Islamic Counselling operates in. ·      Answering the question “who is it for?” based on real life studies of three categories of people who approach us. ·      An invitation to experience some of the techniques we use. What is the context that Islamic Counselling operates in? For...
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