Sabnum Dharamsi and Abdullah Maynard will be presenting at the conference above on:
How do Muslims survive and thrive within secular and prejudicial spaces?
Less heavily framed conceptions of well-being are a precursor for greater inclusivity, wherein clients can be multi-dimensional and balanced, rather than two-dimensional figures in the western imaginary. Abdullah Maynard and Sabnum Dharamsi will share their experiences of spiritual and socio-political realities in the teaching and practice of Islamic Counselling. In doing so we hope to touch on the nature of being, consciousness, belief, and how these primary concepts relate to Islam, a way of understanding reality shared by 1.6 billion people. We hope that this alternative perspective offers challenges to established thinking of wellbeing.
Excellent line up of speakers include Professor Zenobia Nadishaw, Andy Curtis-Payne and Audrey West.